Thursday, May 11, 2006

MY FIRST LETTER... always BUT..selalu TAPI...

Firsly I wanna thank you so much for today. I just feel so blessed today... since I woke up this morning, then were sharing some stories with my housemates, went to bookland, CIC, a bit lost, cell group(KTR), rencana buat sesuatu pas mother's day(haa, minggu ini yak?!), and yeah am back! mau denger lebih's my story...

This morning I was awake by those noisy voices then I just prayed to the Lord and sang some gospel songs...(ahaha, unfortunately kayanya nyanyinya kekencengan deyh...upss maap housemates!^^), then me, mes, and jo did a bit of sharing session..hehe... b'ween girls and of course nga zaman lagi lah gosyip! encouragin is a lot better!=)
Actually I planned to go to CIC for my communication group meeting, but all the sudden one of 'em just cancelled it, cuz she had to go to work. Oh well, it's just cancelled!

After a few minutes... I just received a message from my sis that if I could give her a favor to go to bookland to buy her the 2nd edition of her Accounting Book.
TAPI, hari ini tuh lagi banyak bgt tugas and I made a commitment for FASTing(puasa), therefore I just felt I couldn't make it. Well, I just kept quite that I was fasting at that moment, so kalo ada yang nawarin makanan I prefer to answer with...
hmm, gpp ntar aja deyh...heheh^^ (to be continued... ntar aja jam 5 jam 6 sore^^)

Anywayz, I then caught the bus to CIC with messie. Umm, tapi pas nyampe di depan bus stopnya CIC , kog kayanya gue ngerasa nga tega ama ade gue..hehe, dah ah beliin aja..kesian juga(ntar malah nga belajar pula gara2 nga ada buku^^).
Then, messie just got off 4m that bus, and I decided to go to CITY. Eh2 tiba2 si sissy masuk ke bus yang sama(wah siii, ngangetin pelan2..hehe), senangnya!!! at least gue nga ngobrol ama jendela!nyaha!
Lagi2 diajakin makan...hmm, i then just anwered Siii, sorry bgt gue kayanya kali ini nga bisa deyh.... hehe ntar soalnya mesti balik ke cic lagi ngerjain tugas after beli bukunya kyen di bookland.
(Hmmph, sebenarnya siyh pengen bilang, Siii gue lagi PUASA juga... ah ya sutra, prefer not!)

Then i walked pass the train station, alexander library, and Bookland!
Yea, that was a massive long journey. serasa betis udah BEKONDE, ditambah lagi badan lemes, panas, HP lowbatt, abis pulsa, tugas numpuk, mesti beli transparancy buat oral presentation, hmm and the biggest temptation adh saat orang yang lagi puasa melewati minuman2...yea there were loads of foods, and 4 me the biggest temptation is DRINK!!! Ku harus melewati bubble tea, gelare, gloria jeans, and those other fresh drinks... BUT, I keep on my mind...NO kez, DON'T!!!

Along the road, I just kept singing and worship HIM...(ya nga kenceng2 juga lah yaa!*)
Awy, I felt something different whenever I sing and worship... Its just REFRESH me! I felt that there is a POWER!

After about 30 minutes walked, finally I've got to BOOKLAND..fiuh!!!
After that I just went back and followed the road that I've just passed.
BUT, sepanjang jalan tuh kaya ada yang ngingetin... Kez, ada 1 lagi!
Hmm, BUT whut?! AU AH!!! yes, that was the verse that i could do at that moment.
I then just wait at the bus stop in front of London Court. Dan nga disangka2 bs ktmu ps.Shiva, a bit of talked then my 75 bus just came...

Hah, bener2 CUAPEK puol! Yang duduk di samping gw kayanya udah gimana gitu ngeliatin gue. Haha, cuz honestly I looked very berry EXHAUSTED,^^ malah sempet rada2 ketiduran.
Eh2 pas 1 stopan sblm Curtin, I just realised yang duduk di dpn gw itu trnyata temen 1 group meeting gw... a girl from Myanmar. Pokonya satu2nya orang yang nemenin gue kalo meeting, ya cuman DIA.
Kalo meeting tuh paling sering pasti cuman bedua doank. Cuz all the sudden trnyata 1 cowo di group meeting gue, tanpa bilang2 eh balik gitu aja ke korea... Kalo satu lagi cewe Hongkong selalu alesannya kerjaan! Oh yea, yasuw deyh. I can't expect them a lot! Thx God at least there is one person that realise her duty=).

Terus kita sama2 pegi ke lab comp...start from 2.30 til 5.30...
Oh I just thnaked God that I could done all of these huge assignments...yeay!!!

I caught the 98 bus, terus nyantai2 gitu deyh di bus. BUT, lagi2 kaya ada yang ngingetin gue.
Dalam hati, ya pastilah gue mencet tuh bel! Hmm, pokonya udah pengen banget pulang, ngeliat yang namanya RUMAH...KAMAR..
Tiba2 jalanannya rada macet dan stopan bus yang deket rumah udah bisa keliatan...dan tambah deket..dan deket...dan gue udah mulai ngambil ancang2 berdiri... Yang dipikiran gue saat itu cuma Yesss, gue dah mau pulang!

Dan gw iseng2 ngeliat ke arah lampu *BUS STOPING" yang mestinya nyala...
and masih sempet mikir2....
Lho, TAPI kog lampunya nga nyala yah?!(OH PLEASE DEYH KEZ!!!)
Padahal dari tadi udah gue pandang2in tuh lampu, mending langsung gw pencet ya nga seh?!
Palagi itu masih rada macet, jadi bukannya nga mungkin buat supir busnya untuk berhenti!
Ya TAPI itulah si kezia^^, yang udah kepalang BINGUNG dan PANIK!
Apa mungkin efek dari assignment kali yah(ah, apasi kez!!!).

As the result of my dudulnezz, then I have to stopped to the next stop which is after "shelly bridge"....JAUHNYAAAA!!!
Mesti nyebrang 2 jalan raya yang lagi rame2nya(palagi jam2nya pulang kerja!)
Saat itu gue mencoba utk tetap TENANG, BERSYUKUR, and yang anehnya di saat2 spt itu gue masih bisa NYANYI...bilang makasih el el.
and AGAIN...dari lagu2 yang gue nyanyiin, dari kata2 sederhana like"ThanxGod,"Praise the Lord", It's just STRENGTHEN me!
Bayangin aje, mau nelpon tapi nga ada pulsa, udah gelap pula, dan dingin pula dan nga ada yang namanya jacket!(yes, that's my bad habbit of unawareness!i reckon u... rajin2lah bawa JAKET! just in case if u in my horrible situation...)
hmm untung ada 1 orang yang lagi nunggu bus juga. AT LEAST am not ms'lonely=D
I remembered it was 6.15 o'clock then finally th bus #99 just came towards us...
and AGAIN..Thanx LORD!
akhirnya nyampe juga...

Sekarang gue nyadar...
Kalo mau dibilang dudul...
yes, I was so stupid at that moment..
mulai dari pagi gue udah di ingetin...
God has tried to remind me...
"KEZ...jangan lupa ini...
BUT again and again this girl just din connect!
yet I realised that i heard that voice in my heart...
But too BAD... the sickness of LOLA(LOading lambat),just surrounded me!!!

Tapi satu lagi yang gue sadar.
di saat seperti itu, Tuhan juga ngasih banyak pertolongan.
dan setiap kata2 yang kita keluarkan.
mempunyai makna yang berkuasa.
U're the one that can decide!!! not always GOD!
so do u want to face regretness or happiness??
it's all in ur hand...
cuz God did give us the choice!


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